↗ There are new possibilities to keep learning- improving your tango from January! 🔎 have a look to our planning for 2020. 😮
This is our planning for 2020!
- On Mondays
Tango & Neotango class at 19h15 with Roxina & Francesco at Le Cercle. level intermediate.
- On Tuesdays:
👍 at 19h30 workshop with Francesco Pugliese at Le Cercle.
✅ You will learn to interpret the tango music in your own way and thus add SOUL to your dancing, letting your style shine..🆒 level advance-beginners.
** Beginners lessons at 19h with Roxina at Dance Studio 51.
Ideal for absolute beginners and those who want to refresh the basics of tango.
Get your FREE class by email.
- On Thursdays
** Beginners lessons at 19h30 with Roxina & Jonathan at École Ernest Richard, Get your FREE class by email.
Ideal for absolute beginners and those who want to refresh the basics of tango.
*** For those of you who want to go deeper in discovering the natural organic movement and using it to full potential, I recommend the course "Mouvement Vital", an excellent way to get results and confidence in every activity of life. It´s only available in French, for now (I will add a course in English when I find an additional space).
Mardi a 20h10 avec Roxina. dans la salle Danse Studio 51.
Le prochain cycle commence le 24 mars.
S´inscrire: roxinavital[at]gmail.com
Practicas On Mondays from 20h30 to 22h30.
Once a month NeoPractica from 20h30 to 22h30.
Le Cercle: Rue Doyen Boone 6, 1040
Danse Studio 51: Rue des Francs 51, 1040
Ernest Richard: Avenue de la Chasse 210, 1040